Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Final One

Looking over the 20 items I have noticed that I can improve on a lot of areas. I tend to have a lot of mediums and a few lows that I would like to step up to the next level. The first one I will need to increase my knowledge of the special needs technology so that I can help my students. Designing I will be able to use that and use the different tools I have learned doing the labs to make using technology useful for them. I can use the PowerPoint’s and even kidspriation to help draw upon the creative side of the students. I feel that I have gained a lot from this class that I can use in some way in the future, I will also keep the divide in my mind and try to work with that so no one gets behind. I plan to use the web somehow to keep in constant contact with parents other than just email. This class had made me think outside the box and to use what I learned in the classroom so I can become a successful teacher.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 13

There is only one more class left so it is exciting. We covered a lot of important issues as future teachers and how we have to make sure what we do now does not hurt catch up to us. It was a very interesting class.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week 12

The chapter 10 trio share went this week over distance education. And again went over what is due for next class OH JOY! But it was cool to learn about how people are teaching online classes in high school and whether or not it was good or bad and like anything it has its ups and downs. I wish in high school I could just take online classes that way I could sleep all day.

Week 11

Today chapter 9 did their trio share and it was interesting to see all the audiovisual technologies that are out there. We talked more about the blogs and wiki projects. We went over all the work that is due for the next class like always and it’s always a lot to do, getting pretty overwhelming for a 2 hour class. It is nice though that we have next week off for easter!

Week 10

This week in class we talked and covered more of chapter 8 since my group did not cover all that needed to be covered I guess. We also talked about lab 9 which seemed like it would be a lot of work but it did not turn out so bad. The whole podcasts talk and jazz was cool considering some guys in the fraternity are talking about using it to help with rush coming up, so it is nice to see things I learn in class being put to use.

Week 9

In class today I had to do my chapter trio share which I felt like we did a good job. We talked about the web and how teachers use it. It was pretty interesting. Other than that we didn’t do much it was the first week back from spring break and we learned about what things we have coming up in the class. So it was time to catch up on everything so I do not fall so far behind.

Week 8

This week all we did was the ATC which I feel like I should pass. I had to do the chapter 7 and 8 lab and I learned a lot about iPhoto which was cool because I don’t own a mac but someday want to and it was awesome to play around with.

week 7

Oh the photo editing chapter. We talked about the lab and project that were both do in class nine and I don’t see how I can use this in a classroom. We did our final ATC practice before we take it next week and all I can think about is spring break.

Week 6

Today and throughout the week I did ATC practice because I wanted to bet this test on the first try! We also talked about the Productivity tools project that was due the next week. We talked about how the ATC was on March 3rd and still doing review for it. I feel like this all this ATC practice is just dragging on and I want to get it down with. The grade keeping software we talked about I feel like it would be great to use in the classroom because it makes keeping track of grades simple for me.

Week 5

This week in class we had chapter 4 trio share and talked about virtual reality. I did not know that it is possible to turn your boring old classroom into the rainforest, into a winter storm, into anything with virtual reality. This blows my mind and I would love to do it in my classroom to help teach the students about different aspects of the world. We talked about the ATC and how we should b practicing for it so I did look over the stuff and worked on it a little bit. We talked about all that was due for class next week and I felt overwhelmed again in this class with the amount of work.

Week 4

Today in class I learned something I never heard about and I think it is amazing. The whole one laptop per child just blows my mind on how they create this laptop that is basically indestructible blows my mind. In ways I want one because I feel like I can go anywhere and get wireless, and not be afraid if I drop it, its going to break in a million pieces. I learned about excel during the lab and now how to do some basic formulas to compute grades and such. I feel like excel as a grade book will make life so much easier.

Week 3

I learned about Microsoft word and this lab I felt was easy because I use word almost daily for school work. I did however learn a few tricks of the trade as I was going through it. I did not like how the lab is based off the old word and not the new setup because everything is different. We also listened to the first chapter trio group and it helped give me an idea of what I will need to do in mine to get a good grade. At this moment I am unsure how I can use some of the things I learned in class in my classroom.

Week 2

This week I learned about the all about me project and I really like this because it is a different type of ice breaker. I discovered that in sharing this all about me project that I have had a lot of injuries that people were interested in knowing so it opened the doors to some friendships. I liked the fact that we were put in groups to share and it was just nice to learn about other people. I would like to do something like this in my classroom so everyone gets to know everyone, but I feel like it would be hard to do since I will be working with special needs students but I think if I had them draw things and talk about it that it would be a great thing.

Week 1

This week I learned about how important computer technology in classrooms can improve students skills. What I mean by this is that having them use computers in the class rooms on an almost daily basis is that it improves their typing skills and gets them used to making power points for possible jobs. I was introduced on to how to change the writing style to formal writing but I am unsure how to find it on a PC. I feel that I have mastered using Microsoft word other than a few new things I am learning. I had a difficult time grasping all the information that was given and the pace we are going at. I feel that I will get used to this as the semester goes on. I can see myself using some computer aspects in a classroom such as word to help the ones who are not as serve cases as other on how to type, but I do not see myself using computers in the classroom all the time.